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Explore – Academic Orientation Program for Refugees at UZH

The application window for Explore – Academic Orientation Program for Refugees at UZH for the 2024/25 program is closed.

«Explore - Academic Orientation Program for Refugees at UZH» is a semi-intensive program at the University of Zurich (UZH) and is aimed at qualified refugees who want to improve their German language skills at an academic level and get to know the content and demands of studying in Switzerland. Participants attend German courses, academic modules and various information events on higher education opportunities at UZH for at least one semester.

Participants of Explore

  • improve their German language skills with a focus on academic language skills,
  • gain insight into the content and demands of studying at UZH,
  • learn about higher education opportunities,
  • become familiar with university life at UZH.

The participation in Explore does not entitle the applicants to a facilitated admission to a regular study program at UZH. For more information on the admission requirements and the admission process for a regular degree program at UZH, please visit the website of the Admissions Office.


Mid-September 2024 – End of December 2024 & Mid-February 2025 – End of May 2025


3000 CHF/Semester 


2. Mai 2024 – 30. Juni 2024

Target Group 

Qualified refugees (N, F, B, S) with at least a upper secondary school-leaving certificate


Participants of Explore attend German courses, academic modules, and various information sessions on higher education opportunities at UZH for two semesters.

Depending on the course selection, participants of Explore attend approx. 8-10 lessons* of classes per week. Additionally, one lesson of preparation and/or follow-up is expected for each lesson of instruction. This results in a weekly workload of approximately 16-20 lessons. Participation in the accompanying program is also required.

*One lesson equals 45 minutes.

German Courses

Participants of Explore attend a German course with 6 lessons per week at UZH. German courses are offered at levels B1 and B2-C1. Participants improve their German language skills in these courses with a focus on academic language skills. In the B2-C1 level German course, participants prepare for the "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule" and "Goethe-Zertifikat C1" exams. The placement in German courses is based on an oral assessment during the application process conducted by the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich.

Deutsch im akademischen Kontext; B1
Tuesday, 08:00 – 12:00 & Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45

The course is at B1 level. Academic language skils are improved through:

  • Expansion of communication competences (vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency)
  • Improvement of reading and writing skills
  • Expansion of grammatical knowledge

The course provides an intensive training program in all four language skills. Using set phrases, guided discussions, and short presentations, oral skills are trained and developed. Through texts, vocabulary lists, listening texts, and conversations on various topics, both productive and receptive vocabulary is expanded. Practice is conducted to express oneself in various situations of private and social life. Additionally, course participants engage in reading, understanding, and writing texts of various types. In oral and written expression, the focus is on argumentative strategies. Grammatical knowledge is taught at level B1, progressing to B2 during the second semester. The course does not specifically prepare for certification exams.


Deutsch im akademischen Kontext; B2-C1
Tuesday, 08:00 – 12:00 & Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45

The course is situated at the B2 language level. Depending on the proficiency level of the participants, topics at the C1 language level may also be addressed throughout the course. Academic language proficiency is enhanced through:

  • Developing communicative competence (vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency)
  • Enhancing listening, reading and writing skills
  • Expanding grammatical knowledge
  • Preparation for the C1 examination

The course provides an intensive training program in all four language skills: The training of these skills is primarily aimed at exam preparation for "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule" and "Goethe-Zertifikat C1". Additionally, course participants engage in reading, understanding, and writing academic texts. Furthermore, grammatical knowledge is deepened and expanded with the aim of enabling more nuanced speaking, understanding, and writing.

Academic Modules

Participants in Explore attend 1-2 regular academic modules at UZH as auditors*. This corresponds to a weekly workload of approximately 2-8 lessons. In doing so, they become familiar with the content and requirements of regular study programs and can expand their subject-specific knowledge. Selected academic modules from the Faculty of Theology and the Studies of Religion, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, Faculty of Philosophy, and Faculty of Science are available. Academic modules from the Faculty of Medicine and the Vetsuisse Faculty cannot be attended.

To the academic modules of Explore in the fall semester of 2024

*Auditors can attend individual courses at UZH without enrollment. However, auditors cannot take exams and do not receive ECTS credits.

Information Sessions

Participants of Explore attend various information sessions or workshops on higher education opportunities per semester. For the Fall Semester 2024, events with a focus on the following topics are planned:

  • Information on the higher education system in Switzerland
  • Information on admission to higher education in Switzerland
  • Information on financing studies in Switzerland

Participation in the information events is mandatory for all participants of Explore. 

Eligibility Requirements

The following requirements must be met in order to participate:

  • Residence permit N, F, S, or B (refugee)
  • At least a foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificate (Matura)
  • Good knowledge of German (at least completed level A2)
  • Agreement of the case management office (declaration of consent (DOCX, 72 KB) must be submitted with the application)
  • Residence in Switzerland

The fulfillment of the following criteria are an advantage:

  • Good level of English
  • Realistic academic and/or educational goals at the tertiary level
  • Strong abstraction and argumentation skills
  • High motivation, independence, and resilience

The number of places is limited. Participation is determined by the Coordination Office Explore.


Program Fees

  • The program fees amount to CHF 3000 per semester.
  • In the canton of Zurich, the participation fees can be settled via the cost ceiling available to the municipalities as part of the support system for refugees (IAZH) for people with status F or B. Explore is listed in the cantonal catalog of integration programs IAZH (No. B-01-012).
  • Applicants from other cantons can inquire with their case manager about possible financing in the frame of the cantonal integration program.  


Please contact us with any questions about Explore via e-mail (, telephone (+41 44 634 65 12), or visit our information desk (PDF, 1 MB) in the main building of UZH.

Location and opening hours of the information desk:

  • Wednesday , 09:00–11:00
  • Thursday, 09:00–12:30
  • University of Zurich (main building), Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich, Room KO2-F-156 (KO2, Floor F, Room 156)

You can find further contact information on our contact page.

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer the most common questions about Explore in our FAQ.

General Provisions

"Explore - Academic Orientation Program for Refugees at UZH" is a program of UZH. Learn more about the general provisions of Explore here (PDF, 68 KB).

Funding Partners

Explore at UZH is supported by:

Mercator Stiftung


Kantonales Integrationsprogramm Kanton Zürich KIP


Volkart Stiftung



Weiterführende Informationen

News and Events

  • Der Start ins Programm Explore 2024/25 ist geglückt

    Am 13. September 2024 erfolgte der feierliche Start ins Programm Explore 2024/25 – das Nachfolgeprojekt von START! Studium an der UZH. Das Explore-Programm der Universität Zürich richtet sich an qualifizierte Geflüchtete und bereitet sie in zwei Semestern auf ein Studium in der Schweiz vor. Dieses Jahr nehmen 26 Teilnehmende aus sieben Ländern teil, die sich zu gleichen Teilen auf Männer und Frauen verteilen. Sie verfügen mindestens über einen Maturitätsabschluss, viele bereits über einen Hochschulabschluss.

  • Jahresabschlussfeier von START! Studium 2023/2024

    Am 27. Juli 2024 feierten die Teilnehmenden des Jahrgangs 2023/2024 gemeinsam mit ihren Familien, den Dozierenden, den ehrenamtlich engagierten Studierenden und der Geschäftsstelle START! Studium den erfolgreichen Abschluss des Programms. Die Feier umfasste einen  Apéro, bei dem alle Anwesenden die Gelegenheit hatten, sich auszutauschen. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung wurden den Teilnehmenden offizielle Teilnahmebestätigungen überreicht, um ihre Leistungen im Programm anzuerkennen. 

  • Film Gefangene des Schicksals am 20. Juni im Völkerkundemuseum

    In seinem neusten Kinofilm begleitet Mehdi Sahebi vier geflüchtete Menschen in der Schweiz: Mahmad, Sanam, Ezat und Omid bezeichnen sich in dunklen Momenten als «Gefangene des Schicksals». In ihrem Alltag und in neuen Freundschaften schöpfen sie aber zeitweilig auch Hoffnung. Zu sehen ist ein eindringlicher und sensibler Dokumentarfilm, der auch beim Filmfestival Locarno 2023 und bei den Solothurner Filmtagen 2024 grosse Beachtung fand.

Weiterführende Informationen


Solidarity with Ukraine

Learn more about UZH's support for students and researchers from Ukrainian universities here.

Studentisches Engagement

Student Engagement

Are you studying at UZH or at another Swiss institution of higher education? Do you want to join Explore Community as a volunteer? Then go visit our website for more information.

Swiss Education System

Studying in Switzerland
Here  you can find out more about studying and training in Switzerland.


Unterseiten von Explore – Academic Orientation Program for Refugees at UZH