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Global Student Experience

Exchange Agreements for Student Mobility

Exchange agreements form the necessary basis for student exchanges (semester exchanges). These can be concluded on a university-, faculty- or an institute-level, or within a single subject, with the corresponding entity at a partner university. Relevant criteria for concluding a new exchange agreement:

  • Good academic standing
  • Agreement must be in the interest of both parties (taking into account students' interest in partner university)
  • Agreement should facilitate a regional expansion of the range of exchange opportunities 

Exchange agreements are appropriate when based on the assumption of reciprocal interest in the respective universities' study-programs on the part of the students. Global Student Experience supports institutes and faculties that are interested in establishing, expanding and/or modifying their student-exchange opportunities.

Exchange Agreements within Europe (Erasmus, spec. SEMP)

Exchange Agreements Outside of Europe

Other Forms of Cooperation

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is sufficient for other forms of cooperation that do not envisage student-exchange (for example research-cooperation, collaborative development of teaching- and continuing education programs etc.). Further forms of cooperation (including Cotutelle de These, double- or joint-degree programs etc.) require specific types of agreemements.

Memorandum of Understanding

Cotutelle de Thèse

Global Affairs oversees the international agreements that govern these types of cooperation.

Weiterführende Informationen


Marianne Jeuch


Outside of Europe:
Andrea Orbann

Global Affairs

Global Affairs is responsible for the implementation of the internationalization strategy of UZH and deals with different projects to increase the international visibility of and expand international engagement with UZH.


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